Hey Guys,
Been a while... Very busy with scouts and studies in the past days. Anyway, certain issues happened, little of this and that, but it got resolved. So, have been studying very very hard. Really have to do well for the Mid Years. Physics and A Math's is something that I have focus on. Fail those 2, and I'm so dead. Anyway, might not be posting till after exams. Reason? Pretty much self-explanatory. Other then that...
See ya!
The Fallen @
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hey Guys,
Well, Marcos sent around an sms that involves not giving me stress anymore around Lion Patrol. I'm really thankful for it, though, I think it's not fair that its only meant for me. All the SPL's are also facing stress so don't restrict it to me. Anyway, today, stayed back for the Den cleaning. Really pissed off that they weren't serious when Bi Yu asked them the date for the next one. Some can come up with funny reasons at the most precised timing. They got her upset, and other people too..
I really plead for all of you juniors, to please stop all this quarrelling among yourselves and the giving of problems to your girl leaders. They can only hold so little before hitting the limit. I may be hitting mine anytime soon but I
DON'T CARE. What I care for is the welfare of the other SPL's. That means
NOT ALOT OF PROBLEMS to them. Tell me instead, spare them from misery, stress, whatever. I'll bear it. Among them, I'm sure some of you know that I can handle problems better, so just direct them to me.
Anyway, on to a cheerful note. The Den is really clean now, pleased with you girls help in cleaning it. Hopefully, we'll end this term's meeting with a good one at RI this Saturday...
See ya!
"What you experience, will be what you learn" - Mark Ong Zong Yan
The Fallen @
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hey Guys,
Nothing much today. Went out just now, got myself a new pair of glasses. I think the colour is pretty cool. Nothing too fancy. Bronze around the rim, and black on the edges. Got a hard time deciding which frame to choose but I'm sure that this one is meant for me.. So yup, just a tiny post today..
See ya!
The Fallen @
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hey Guys,
Feeling quite bouncy today, but just to let you know, I can never ever replace Mark. Oh yea, Happy Birthday Mark!! Anyway, had Speech Day Parade today. It went through smoothly, except for the part to wait for the VIP. Scouts, I am VERY VERY proud of you guys and girls! All of you made it through the whole thing perfectly fine! Great leaders in the making! Well, then after that, Loh and some seniors talked to the scouts, hopefully it'll change the situation in the troop...
Well, onto a more cheerful note, celeberated Mark's B'day after that. Loh brought the cake, Dom took out all the presents. Pretty good. Then after he blew the candles, we went, Scouting Style. He was piled onto a mat and everyone was on him. Tape around his legs, hands. The girls sabotaged Dawn into giving him her present. Cheng Hong taped the legs and pulled it off, like real fast, so, it's pretty much smooth at the legs. Then they went around piling other leaders. Aden, Qi Yuan, Joel and Me.. I was like, "Get Marcos!". Dom came rugby tackling me and yea, I became a victim. Mark then came with the cake and rubbed it on my face. Ah well, the um, occupational hazards of being a Troop Leader.
So, all in all, a really fun day. Gonna go rest now, need to go wash my hair, like reeeal properly.
See ya!
The Fallen @
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hey Guys,
My mom just came back from her holiday in Australia. Bought me 3 boomerangs. Wooden, glazed, painted and very tribal. Loved the one with the kangaroo.. I'm itching to try it out, sadly, I think its not allowed here. Anyway, she wanted to get those big wooden musical thingy that produces a low sound. But couldn't find anywhere thats fitting to place that. So, yup, didn't get it. Anyhow, I'm pleased with the boomerang.
So, today, stayed back after school to train the sec 1 girls for speech day. You girls are getting better except a few. Discussed certain stuff. Pleased to see the Den very tidy. I can clearly see the big difference from back then and now. Well, full dress rehearsal tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain and we can get it done. Somehow, I feel... weird or something. There's this, um, feeling that I can't avoid.. Maybe I know what it is, maybe I don't, but, I'll just let it unfold by itself...
See ya!
The Fallen @
Monday, April 07, 2008
Hey Guys,
Its about 1:03am now. Yet, still feeling fresh and energetic. Gonna have a hard time sleeping later on. Anyway went to Whitley campfire just now. There were people dressed up in skulls and walking around. Well, then Loh and Wee came, in RED. Congratz to you guys in being Ventures! We were like, "Look! Numbskulls!" and "Hey! Its Pacman!".. Had lots of fun. We were standing on the benches and shouting. Jasper stood on the bench and, well, all of you can guess what's next. The leg's of the bench broke. We were like "Darn, Jasper, no more standing on benches for you". Anyway, some person just had to ruin it after that. Tried to talk, but he just walked off. Really need to find out what's going on. Anyway, at this present time. Currently listening to music and chatting. Nothing much to do...
See ya!
The Fallen @
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Hey Guys... and scouts reading this,
TO THE SCOUTSNice and bolded seems nice. Anyway, some of you all, a handful that I can guess who, have been saying we 3's is
unreasonable and
bias. So, lets get it straight. We are strict because we want
DISCIPLINE to be brought higher in the troop. The way we see it, low or no discipline, means lack of discipline in doing other things. Such as ignoring safety precautions during Pioneering or Orienteering. So, discipline is a
MAIN, let me repeat it,
MAIN priority. Loh, I really really appreciate your advice. Should we do what our seniors did to us, it'll be really harsh.. Too harsh. So, we are trying to bring it back, but by other means. I hope this will change your views on we Sec 3s.
Apparently, don't feel cheerful to sign off -.-
The Fallen @
Tuesday, April 01, 2008