Well, I guess that's it then. 2008 is over, it'll just be another part of my memory and yeah. Well, i'll probably be thinking back at how 08 have been for me. Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows. Forget it, wont do me any good anyway. 2009 is probably gonna turn my life upside down with O levels. Well, off to stare at the timer..
The Fallen @
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Neck hurts from like, 4 hours of staring into the computer. Anyway, had fun. Went with the seniors to go LAN and stuff. Piled the zombies and stuff. Before that, went to Seoul Gardens for New Year Luncheon. I swear I hate Singapore traffic. It was like, damn tight just to get into orchard road. But once you hit it, its like a clear straight path. Damn it.. So yeah, there I was, going about leeching here and there. Sorry guys, thats how I am =) .. Well, dead tired so see ya..
The Fallen @
Friday, December 26, 2008
Well, nothing much has been going on lately. Went to Mr. Song's house for the christmas luncheon. Had fun and all. Went to the LAN shop but its fully booked so yeah.. Walked about with the seniorsand eventually went seperate ways. Still gotta go get some prezzies for a couple of people. Can't wait to get back to school, to be with my pals and all, not for the work.
The Fallen @
Monday, December 22, 2008
2 Weeks to what? The end of boredom. Anyway, I'd be dead by now if it weren't for my parents or whoever getting me out. Well, went to watch a play by the National Youth Drama Squad yesterday. Wouldn't have known about it if it weren't for my sis. Great thing she's in that squad and all. I'm surprised that she's the only primary school kid in that whole squad. So yeah, small but mighty. Anyway, the play is nice. The actors really didnt mind telling us, the audience, how their life is like. Well, today's gonna be boring so I best be off. Time to start staring at the clock...
The Fallen @
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Finally went out today. Raced with Dianne and Charmaine while Loh went shooting. Walked for a fair bit. Ate, and went to watch a movie. Well, it was kinda alright I guess. Well, feeling tired and all with den packing tomorrow. See ya!
The Fallen @
Monday, December 08, 2008
It's all done... We set out to have fun and all, and we did. Bronze and Silver, not bad going. Let's aim for Gold next.. Though, just gotta keep in mind that bonding with your mates is the greater focus..
The Fallen @
Monday, December 01, 2008